Sensory Deprivation for Stress Relief
Explore benefits of sensory deprivation therapy for stress relief
Explore benefits of sensory deprivation therapy for stress relief
The intriguing history of flotation therapy is long one starting from 1954 to what it is today.
Mental and physical health is of paramount importance and now more than ever! With the pandemic gripping all of us for more than a year, our bodies have gotten used to not being as active as before. It’s time to boost Immunity as things slowly start opening up and social interaction becomes normal again.
Effortless float for blissful sleep-Float therapy is a simple yet powerful way to overcome insomnia and sleep disorder issues
Float to improve sports performance.With the Olympics fever gripping all of us, we’re reminded of the athletes’ intense training, dedication and are often wondering what is it that they do differently?
World hyper tension day this year comes with a multifold relevance to our current pandemic situation. The number of cases have drastically gone up. WORLD
Dry salt therapy, or halotherapy, is a holistic, drug free, natural therapy using micro particles of salt to promote better breathing, healthier skin, sounder sleep, improved physical fitness and endurance and overall wellness. Dry salt therapy also helps to alleviate symptoms of many respiratory and skin conditions.
Happily, there’s a widespread variety of proof that suggests floating can be very effective in re-orienting your inner clock to promote stepped forward restfulness. Since some studies suggest that an hour in a float tank can be equivalent to a 5-7 hours of sleep, many travelers document some success with the use of floatation therapy to “reboot” their topsy-turvy sleep schedules.
ARE WE ON BREAKING POINT BURN OUT? Float therapy can be a very effective treatment.
Float therapy helps you pause ,reflect and take action to change your lives for the better.
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